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Annual Reports

For the purpose of fulfilling its installation objectives, for the purpose of preparing district level units, initiatives to make them more active, organizing seminars, lectures, discussions, seminars and workshops at the national level, Dr. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Balinath, Saint Ravidas, Saint Kabir’s Jayanti Program Regular publication and distribution of the Academy’s established activities / trends such as research center, library and documentation center, regular publication and distribution of research paper “Predveda”, as well as in the context of the available financial resources, according to the National Dalit Literary Conference Organizing and book as required, manuscript publication scheme and the Dalit Sahitya Akademi The implementation of the award scheme is included. As per the plan of the institution, it was proposed to complete the construction of the Saint Kabir Sabha building and procurement of new books in the library as per the requirement of furniture, furniture and appliances as well as the services of full-time faculty members / technicians.

In order to give a concrete plan, it was necessary to apply for obtaining adequate nutrition grants from Madhya Pradesh Government, Culture Department, in addition to financial assistance from the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, Human Resource Development, New Delhi, and Public Relations.